We look forward to welcoming you to Woofworthy secure dog field.
If it is your first visit to Woofworthy, please book a ‘first visit’ session. We will meet you at the gate for a short induction to show you where everything is and answer any questions. If you are arriving on foot and your dog is worried by new people, please contact us directly, before you attend your first visit, so we can go through your induction before you arrive. If you are running late for your first visit please let us know.
Please do not arrive earlier than a few minutes before your session start time. If you do arrive early please wait inside your vehicle outside the main gate until one of us comes to meet you. Please leave your dog in the car whilst we go through the field induction. There is also a layby on Winterland Lane, between the A388 and Woofworthy, if you arrive very early.
Below are all the instructions you will need, this is to give you the chance to fully enjoy your time at Woofworthy, and not keep you and your dog/s waiting too long to enjoy your visit.
After successfully booking your session, you will receive an email confirming the date and time you have booked. You will receive the gate access code via email 48 hours before your visit. Please note that the code changes regularly so it’s important to check your email for the correct code. (If you make a booking less than 48 hours before the session your reminder email with your gate code will be sent at the same time as your booking confirmation).
When arriving at Woofworthy, entry is through the coded gate on the left hand side only. Please do not come through this gate until the time of your booking. This ensures the previous customer has left the field car park and driveway.
When you drive up to the gate, the keypad is situated to the right-hand side. This is where you will enter your code to access the field.

Type your access code into the keypad. Turn the knob to the left firmly. You will be able to push the gate open and gain entry.
Please use the metal hook attached to the fence post to secure the gate while you drive through the first gate as this prevents the wind from blowing it shut. Please CLOSE the gate behind you to ensure no one else enters the site whilst you are here.
Once the main gate is closed, drive down the drive and into Woofworthy secure field. The gate to the field should be open as you drive down. Drive into the parking area, close and secure the gate behind you before releasing your dog(s) from your car. For added security and peace of mind you can use the safety clip attached to the gate to ensure no-one can open the field gate whilst you are inside.
If you are arriving on foot please ensure your dog stays on lead whilst you walk down the drive. Please only release your dog once you have entered Woofworthy secure dog field and closed the gate behind you.
We recommend customers to walk the perimeter of the fence with their dog on lead before letting them run free to check the suitability for their dog. Woofworthy take no responsibility for dogs escaping from the field.
If there is anyone in the field or there are any vehicles in the car park at the start of your booked time please do not enter the gates and call us immediately on 07887 094320
Your session lasts 50minutes, starting on the hour and ending 10 to the hour. This includes arrival and preparing for departure. Please arrive promptly on the hour, and leave 10 minutes to the hour. Please ensure that you are securely loaded and leaving the site by the end of your booked time to ensure there is no crossover of people arriving and leaving the field and that the next customer is able to enjoy their own time at Woofworthy.
When leaving the field, open the field gate and secure it back to the fence ready for the next customer. You can leave this gate open. Drive back up the drive and leave via the gate on the left hand side. You will not be able to leave via the gate on the right hand side as there are one directional flow plates under this gate. Please CLOSE the gate behind you. The exit is TURN LEFT ONLY onto Winterland Lane. If heading back to the A388 all you need to do is turn left out of our gate and then right at the next junction and follow the road back to the A388 – see ‘Where is Woofworthy’.

You can save money by purchasing our multi session packages – Book Woofworthy.
The water supply is mains water and is on a meter so please only use the minimum amount required to provide drinking water for dogs or to wash off muddy paws. Please ensure the tap is turned off if not in use.
There are poo bins for your use, please only place poo bags in these bins. ‘Doggydoo’ dust is in the tub below the bin…just in case any of the dogs have a bit of a loose and it’s not possible to get it all up, please sprinkle some ‘Doggydoo dust’ to save anyone standing in it. Please take any personal litter away with you.
Please bring your own dog toys and water bowls, and take them with you when leaving. There is a Woofworthy water bowl available near the tap if anyone forgets their bowl. If you notice any toys or water bowls that have been left by previous customers please put them in the lost property box in the WoofShack and notify us via text/messenger/email (with a photo would be great) so we can hopefully return them to their owners.
If any toys go over the fence, please notify us with a photo if possible and we will retrieve them as soon as we can. Please do not attempt to climb over fences or gates.
The WoofShack has a bench inside to shelter from the hot/wet weather. There is also a notice board inside with field information and some fun training tips.
The equipment is designed for dogs ONLY and must not be climbed on by humans of any age. For your, your dog and others’ safety please DO NOT move any of the equipment. You can alter the height of the jump poles to suit your dog.
There are seating areas for your use around the paddock.
Please respect our neighbours by keeping any noise and barking at a minimum.
Smoking/Vaping is not permitted anywhere on site.
We check the field and fence for damage on a daily basis. If there is any damage, please report it immediately whether it’s from dogs digging or other reasons. We will rectify any damage as soon as possible. The field is a large, open outside space; although a shelter is provided, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor weather conditions. Be aware that the field will have uneven ground which may in places be concealed by long grass. In wet weather the field may be muddy and slippy.
Don’t forget to tell your friends and rebook your next session on our booking page – see you again soon…..

For future visits you will be able to book a ‘Field hire’ session. Please choose the appropriate session depending on whether you will be arriving in 1 or 2 cars. As we will have already done your induction you will be able to access the field using your gate code & go straight ahead with your session.
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